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Your career service provided by our expert recruiters
Our recruiters have exclusive job openings with top companies. We work closely with you to locate the right job for you.
Why you should find your
next job with us:
Personalized recruiter
With us you are not just a number. You get a personalized recruiter to help you find YOUR fit, not someone else's.
Job alerts you care about
We match your experience and skills to opportunities we have, so you only get positions relevant to you.
Your resume is kept strictly confidential
We do not forward your CV or use any of your data without your prior consent.
What happens after you apply?
We review your application
It all starts when you send us your application, or when you find and apply for a specific job right here on this website. If we think you're a good fit for any of our open jobs, one of our recruiters will get in touch soon with you to discuss the further steps.
You meet your recruiter
We'll talk about your skills, your experience and your career goals. Then we may give you a brief skills assessment and check your references. Next, we'll prep you for an interview and get you started in the right temporary or permanent job.
You start your new job
We'll issue all the necessary paperwork and send you the details of your first working day. We will keep in touch with you during your whole assignment.
Selected Job Opportunities
Never miss an opportunity. On KIDSTON, top companies reach out to you. Get matched with a job you dream of.
- M365 Spezialist Junior 100% North Switzerland... | Temporary
- Applikation Manager Automatisierung North Switzerland... | Permanent
- Network Engineer (w/m) North Switzerland... | Permanent
- Procurement Manager ICT (80-100%) North Switzerland... | Permanent
- ICT System Specialist 100% North Switzerland... | Temporary
- ICT Security Spezialist 100% North Switzerland... | Temporary
- Informatiker/in Systemtechnik Energie North Switzerland... | Permanent
- Strategische/r Einkäufer/in IT Bern Region | Permanent
- ICT Service Manager 100% Bern Region | Permanent